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[Graph Drawing反走样 Line

Description: 反走样 Line.rar-Anti-aliasing Line.rar
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 李建中 | Hits:


Description: 图象处理软件比如平移,比例,旋转,错切,裁剪,填充,反走样等等.具体操作鼠标左键画多边行的各个顶点,右键连线形成多边行-image processing software such as translation, proportion, rotation, the wrong cutting, cutting, filling, anti-aliasing, etc.. The specific mouse button paintings in various multilateral OK vertices, right connections formed multilateral OK
Platform: | Size: 700416 | Author: 武世侯 | Hits:


Description: 你可能会认为生成一个带柔和阴影的特效文字与生成一个带光圈的特效文字是完全不同的,其实他们所用到的技术是完全相同的,只是在设置上有些许变化。 在带柔和阴影的效果中,我用到了GDI+中的一些插值模式来生成模糊的文字轮廓,当位图绘制平面放大时,插值模式决定原来某点像素应该怎样和周围的融合。 低质量的插值只是简单的把一个像素变换成同色色块,高质量插值如高质量双线性插值与高质量双三次插值会考虑像素色的平滑与反走样,我发现高质量双线 性插值模式最好。-you may think that a generation with a soft shadow effects of the letter and generate an aperture with the magic words are completely different, they actually have to use the technology is identical, the only set slightly changes. With soft shadows in effect, I used the GDI some of the interpolation model to generate fuzzy outline of the text, when the Bitmap Rendering Large Plane, interpolation mode decision of a point of what should pixels and around integration. Low-quality interpolation just simply put a pixel transform into the same color against a high-quality interpolation such as high-quality and high-quality bilinear interpolation bicubic interpolation will consider pixel color with a smooth anti-aliasing, I found quality bilinear interpolation mode best.
Platform: | Size: 955392 | Author: 陈兴锐 | Hits:

[OpenGL program图行算法

Description: 原代码下载,我对计算机图形学的编程实践,包括画直线、反走样直线、画圆、 画椭圆、画矩形、画多边形、矩形填充、多边形填充、3D变换、光照、贴图等。由于 精力有限,未对原码做任何注释。出于简化编程的考虑,许多地方指定了常数,未做 通用处理-download the original code, the computer graphics programming practice, including painting line, anti-aliasing straight Circle, painted oval, rectangular painting, drawing polygon, rectangle filling, polygon filling, 3D transformation, lighting, textures, etc.. Because of the limited energy, the original code did not make any notes. To simplify programming for consideration, in many places designated constant, declined to address GM
Platform: | Size: 416768 | Author: | Hits:


Description: 对计算机图形学的编程实践,包括画直线、反走样直线、画圆、画椭圆、画矩形、画多边形、矩形填充、多边形填充、3D变换、光照、贴图等。-of computer graphics programming practice, including painting line, anti-aliasing straight Circle, painted oval, rectangular painting, drawing polygon, rectangle filling, polygon filling, 3D transformation, lighting, textures, etc..
Platform: | Size: 342016 | Author: 数据库 | Hits:

[GUI Developrader

Description: 这是一个由java语言实现的模拟雷达屏的小程序,实现了抗锯齿和不闪烁的效果。-This is a java language from the radar screen simulation of small programs to achieve the anti-aliasing and flicker effect.
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: 高兴 | Hits:


Description: JAVA 反走样画直线 可在JAVA1.1下使用-JAVA anti-aliasing line drawing can be used in JAVA1.1
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: 胡进东 | Hits:

[2D GraphicAnti(1)

Description: 画反锯齿直线、矩形、弧线、曲线的demo,-Anti-aliased line drawing, rectangle, arc, curve of the demo,
Platform: | Size: 24576 | Author: 樊新宜 | Hits:

[Graph DrawingAggPlus_Flat

Description: 著名的AGG反走样绘图软件包的一个C++封装,调用方便-AGG famous anti-aliasing graphics package, a C++ Package, call convenience
Platform: | Size: 899072 | Author: Song Young | Hits:

[Multimedia DevelopPixelForce20318711192006

Description: 像素光影跟踪示例:支持128位Z缓冲,深度测试/排序、Alpha混合、环境光、材质、图像过滤、反锯齿等等!加载TestCube.txt文件然后渲染看看,效果非常漂亮! [VB源码]-Tracking pixel lighting example: support 128-bit Z buffer, depth test/Sort, Alpha blending, ambient light, texture, image filtering, anti-aliasing and so on! TestCube.txt document rendering loaded and then look at the effect of very beautiful! [VB code]
Platform: | Size: 261120 | Author: | Hits:

[OpenGL programAntiDisline

Description: opengl反走样算法和加权区域采样反走样算法-opengl Anti-aliasing algorithm and weighted area sampling anti-aliasing algorithm
Platform: | Size: 1871872 | Author: 侯锦 | Hits:

[Graph Drawingagg-2.5

Description: 2D图像渲染,比如反走样,mark等效果,编码风格很好,模版用的淋漓尽致-2D image rendering, such as anti-aliasing, mark, such as the effect of good coding style, the template used by most
Platform: | Size: 12793856 | Author: qk | Hits:


Description: direct3d通过设置属性达到图形抗锯齿处理-Direct3D graphics by setting the property to reach deal with anti-aliasing
Platform: | Size: 1249280 | Author: 10013089 | Hits:

[Windows DevelopAAFont

Description: 平滑特效字体控件包是一个基于平滑(Anti-aliasing)和特效(Effect)字体 技术的控件包,支持透明、半透明、阴影、模糊、渐变色、字体纹理、噪声、轮 廓字等特效。-Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place- Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Platform: | Size: 542720 | Author: june | Hits:


Description: VB中编程在进行图像缩小时抗锯齿运算,代码特别简练,有完整的示例-VB Image anti-aliasing algorithm to narrow
Platform: | Size: 7168 | Author: hbalphb | Hits:


Description: Add myaa.m to your path and enjoy anti-aliased professionally looking graphics in Matlab at any time. Myaa works with any kind of graphic (3-D, plots, scatterplots, ...) and even adds anti-aliasing to text, ui controls and grids. Myaa is ideal for complex, cluttered and saturated plots.-Add myaa.m to your path and enjoy anti-aliased professionally looking graphics in Matlab at any time. Myaa works with any kind of graphic (3-D, plots, scatterplots, ...) and even adds anti-aliasing to text, ui controls and grids. Myaa is ideal for complex, cluttered and saturated plots.
Platform: | Size: 274432 | Author: changazi | Hits:


Description: 抗混叠滤波器Anti-aliasing filter-Anti-aliasing filter
Platform: | Size: 65536 | Author: 魏琴 | Hits:


Description: 全屏抗锯齿和景深效果演示 演示如何实现全屏抗锯齿和景深效果. A键 - 开始全屏抗锯齿 D键 - 开始景深效 果 UP键 - 增加摄相机的焦距 N键 - 不要任何效果 DOWN键 - 减小摄相机的焦距-The full-screen anti-aliasing and depth of field demo demonstrates how to implement full-screen anti-aliasing and depth of field effect. A key- start full-screen anti-aliasing D key- the beginning of the depth of field effect Fruit UP key- to increase the camera s focal length N bond- do not have any effect DOWN key- to reduce the camera s focal length...
Platform: | Size: 226304 | Author: lixh | Hits:


Description: 计算机图形学的研究论文,关于反走样方面内容,写的很全面,值得学习-Computer graphics research papers on aspects of anti-aliasing, wrote a very comprehensive, it is worth learning
Platform: | Size: 11525120 | Author: 黄宏财 | Hits:

[GUI DevelopAnti-aliasing-texture

Description: 球面几何纹理反走样算法,,VC6.0上用MFC编程实现球面几何纹理反走样算法算法。界面简单,内容完整。下载后可以直接使用。-Spherical geometry texture anti-aliasing algorithm ,, on VC6.0 MFC programming using spherical geometry texture anti-aliasing algorithm algorithm. The interface is simple, content and complete. It can be used directly after download.
Platform: | Size: 4766720 | Author: 杨伟 | Hits:
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